A bridge created using High-Fidelity assets with 8-16k textures
Their is triangular restingspots where you can add things like benches and lights as well as plenty of other things that'll really help you create some awesome pictures, animations or videogames depending on what you wanna do
The bride can easily be scaled without any issues as the bridge is one static mesh that can be used with both Blender, Unreal Engine as well as UnityKeep in mind this has a very high poly-count and i do not recommend it for use with Godot
When you buy the bridge, you have the royalty to use and distribute a project using this asset
The Environment is not included, it is simply just to show off a place where the bridge works well
The Revenue is going to sponsor my Game-Project that i am working on where this model is uttilized
Enjoy! make some awesome stuff