2022-01-11 06:09:00 UTCbobblunderton
I am impressed by the quality and accuracy (and texture resolutions!) of this model.
What are the draw calls like on a model like this? This is important when using this rendering in a game in real-time.
What is the texture weight alone (if it says, I may have missed this, my apologies if so)?
What do the UV's look like, are the faces connected/sewn/sewed everywhere possible when the neighbor a like-textured face?
A model can be beautiful (and this one sure is! great work on that btw), but if the UV's aren't sewn consistently, it will make real-time rendering performance impractical for games.
Are LOD's or collision meshes available?
Now this is not a complaint, but do know this price will put the model beyond the reach of all but the most well-off game developers (if that is your intended market), as you often can purchase whole packs (some of which may be less detailed) for this price.
Either way, it's still a beautiful building regardless of price and there's little arguing that fact at all.
- I look forward to hearing back from you!