In this modular building package you will got 51 different buildings with basic interiors. 5 different styles, more variations, example closed wall, wall with windows. You can turn on or off the basic interiors if you need. Elevator and other parts separated for animation. For each props available 2 LOD phases also. Lot of dirrent texture sets for parts, for realistic view, example ceilings, floors , walls variations etc. This package midpoly details, so mainly for PC, console project.All shots and video rendered in real time in Unity engine. The camera, lift and lift animations not available in this package. For night version available windows emission texture, only replace the original glass and you will got a night view.If you like , you can turn off (or on) the basic interior. Lot of props available what you can use for detailing the buildings.For Unity users:Available and setuped elevator for each interiors. If you replace the glass of the exterior, you can create night version from the buildings, as in the preview image and in the video. Separated doors, rope, ceiling door etc. All parts separated for animation. Available lot of props for the realistic - live buildings. For these props available two LOD phases. Usable props, you can open the fridge, microwave owen. Lot of different doors for different buildings. This package detailed mid poly, so mainly for pc - console projects. lot of materials - texture variations, that you can create lot of variations from these buildings (walls, metals, floors, ceilings etc). The camera, elevator and elevator door animations not available in this package. You need to setup Player tag to your camera/player controller.The Unreal version available also.