by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R14
This is a very nice quality vancouver style low poly escape ladder model. You easily modify it. You can use them in games. Polygon size is low so triangulate them if necessary. Models size is close to real sizes so your characters can easily move between the parts inside the model.
The balcony(source).C4D file is a clean source with some parametric primitives, sweep nurbs and cloners. You can easily change the structure by using them. In main structure BALCONY and STEPS are the only objects that you can duplicate for make the ladder higher. SLIDE object must be single. The SLIDE should be connected to the STEPS at bottom.
Source model has no textures on it. After you reconstruct the model you should assign textures you want to use in ladder parts. If you want to export it first you must create UV maps by using UV EDIT.
There are six file formats of this model. All of them have their own UV maps and ready to go. IF you make the ladder higher you should just duplicate the BALCONY and STEPS objects. Do not touch their horizontal and depth axis and give 3 meters plus hight to them in Y Axis (or Z in some softwares). This is my dimensions. You can change it.
They are 1k maps on the objects. This means the textures are good quality stuffs.
COUNTS (in standart 3 objets)
Follow my tutorials in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here: https://shadedancer619.deviantart.com/
See you...