3D Showroom Level Kit Vol 4

3D Showroom Level Kit Vol 4 Low-poly 3D model


*Requires UNITY 3D!! I don't give support/help for others 3D engines (UDK, CRY ENGINE...) *

Try a webGL 3D demo made with my products : http://blitz3dfr.free.fr/

3D Showroom Level Kit Vol 4 is a prefabs kit (+50 prefabs/meshes for Unity 3D), to help you to createhigh tech neutral showrooms interiors and exterior. Present your products in 3D or VR! (projects presentation, vehicles, multimedia events, interactive applications, marketing launch etc...).

You can create any size you want rooms with multiple floors! The pack is VR, tablet and mobile friendly! Just think to resize textures and decrease rendering options...

Flat textures are provided (also normal maps, and AO maps), if you want to personalizethe kit for your needs. You just have to change the colors to personalize your own showroom!
Do not forget to read the readme file!

Updates :HDRP Update!

3D-YARD2020-04-19 22:39:33 UTC
jacob19982019-08-26 07:43:22 UTC
rcruzmar2018-12-14 23:59:34 UTC
Very impressive model. I have to ask if there is a possibility this could be used in Unreal Engine 4.2x.x?
creepycat2018-12-15 00:03:30 UTC
Hi Not directly, because it's Unity based, but one of my customers convert the FBX files and textures to include them to unreal. All my kits are grid based and modular, i think that a scale change can be done on unreal :) https://youtu.be/lKrz7TzkA5I Here is the video (i'm owner of barking dog too, on cg trader). If you want to try the adventure, my advise is, install unity just to see how i organized the map and the prefabs (blueprint for you?) Regards
zaxadim2018-12-14 22:44:14 UTC
What is the custom license?
creepycat2018-12-14 22:48:38 UTC
Product comments is not the better way to get informations like this :) So : You can use the package for free or commercial games or apps, but you can't re-sale the package datas or textures on another asset web site (including games like second life).
zaxadim2018-12-15 21:56:38 UTC
Thank you sir for your timely reply. I am new to this, so I didn't know the right channel for this question - my apologies. I have seen the 'Custom license' in other assets but there is no (obvious) way to find out what each individual seller intends.
creepycat2018-12-15 23:24:17 UTC
U welcome :)
dunielson2017-06-09 20:11:11 UTC
This was extremely helpful for fast pacing a project I'm working on. It's well done and the author is extremely responsive.
creepycat2017-06-09 20:15:12 UTC
Many thanks :) Perfect customer...
Item rating
4 0
wmfdldi982023-09-07 00:55:09 UTC
thank you sir.
c-tuddy2018-10-12 15:58:47 UTC
dunielson2017-06-09 20:09:47 UTC
24pfilms2017-05-26 13:35:06 UTC
3D Showroom Level Kit Vol 4
Custom License 
3D Showroom Level Kit Vol 4
Custom License 
Available in these collections
Response 88% in 0.2h
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Unity 3D 2020.3.16f1 (.unitypackage, .prefab)167 MBVersion: 2020.3.16f1Renderer: Default 2.5

3D Model details

  • Publish date2017-05-25
  • Model ID#725355
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing