Vintage Wall Light PBR High Quality 3D Model ( Ready for Games AR/VR and Visualization)
Vintage WallLamp is made from 1 polygonal objectsModel is not triangulatedPolycount:Poly - 1.818Verts - 1.741
Materials are prepared for Unity UnrealEngine and Marmoset renderers.FBX has only basic materials and will NOT render the same as in preview images.OBJ file has no materials, but has UVW coordinates intact.
Model has 1 sets of high quality PBR textures.Maps - Base_colour, Ambient_occlusion, Roughness,Metallic,NormalResolution - 2048 x 2048Format - PNG.Textures are collected in one archive and are delivered in separate file.
Model is scaled to accurate real world dimensions.Objects, materials and textures has meaningful and matching names.Transformations has been reset and model is placed at scene origin [0, 0, 0 XYZ].All texture paths are set to relative.
Maya - Standart Renderer3ds Max - Scanline RendererFBXOBJUnityPacakgeUAssets
Modeled in Maya. Preview images are rendered with Marmoset Toolbag.Images are straight from rendering apps. No post processing were applied.Render scenes are not included.
Please contact me if you have questions or need assistance with the models.