Game Ready Street Lamp models created with Blender 2.90
Contains three types of lamp models,Street Lamp, Wall Lamps(two version) and Pillar Lamp,Models contains 2 separate objects lamps and glasses.Glass material works only blender and marmoset toolbag 3, you need create glass material for unreal and unity engines
Street Lamp:-Polygons : 10762
-Vertices : 5473-Triangles : 10762
Wall Lamps:-Polygons : 5036 -Vertices : 2585-Triangles : 5036
Pillar Lamp:-Polygons : 4180-Vertices : 2114-Triangles : 4180
Scene Total:-Polygons : 25014-Vertices : 12757-Triangles : 25014
4K Textures(png and jpg format)
PBR Metallic Roughness (*.png)
-Base_Color Map -Mixed_Ambient_Occlusion Map -Height Map -Normal_OpenGL Map -Roughness Map -Metallic Map-Emissive Map-Opacity Map
Contains Marmoset toolbag scene,4K Textures For UE4 engine(Not Tested),4k Specular/Gloss textureset,unitypackage file(Not Tested,file exported from marmoset toolbag 3) and Glb,Fbx,Obj,Dae formats.
*Preview images are rendered with Blender 2.90 Eevee and Marmoset Toolbag 3.