A collection of procedural floor shaders I made in blender cycles using built in textures and some textures from free sources for added imperfections and realism. Simple floor is included in each shader.
Each floor has a separate file and there is one file for the bonus floors, so you get 6 files total, which you can use for many of your flooring needs.The vertex and polygon count is the total count of the floors excluding the 3 bonus floors.
Each main floor file has the following layer characteristics ->*note that you don't need to change the layer configuration to see the rendered images as they are. I have just explained them so you can find the additional items in the other layers if needed.
Layer 1 -> The main floor as shown in the rendered images.Layer 9 -> The main lightsLayer 11 -> A starter floor, so you can modify the floor size using array modifiers which are added to the object.Layer 2 -> A differently unwrapped UV mesh of the floor.Layer 12 -> starter floor for the differently unwrapped floor with array modifiers.
Layer 10 -> a different lighting setupLayer 20 -> the camera
The floors as well as all textures use object coordinates, which are scaled to fit the floors. But it is UV unwrapped, so you would need to just bake the textures yourself to use in the scene smoothly. I will soon add baked textures as well, but for now, you get this fine floor kit.The differently unwrapped UV meshes will not affect anything but only the final texture image.
You can modify all procedural floor textures and dust scratches etc to your liking and then bake for your game in your preferred resolution.The mesh has been properly UV unwrapped. You will have to bake the floor textures in blender to your preferred resolution to be able to use in your game, or for quick rendering in your animated scenes.
--> Four settings for each floor (clean, dirty, scratchy and smudgy).--> More settings can be changed such as scale of the floor's individual tiles, and much more.--> Blender is open source and so is my project so you can change the entire shader to your liking.
You will also get 3 bonus floors absolutely free of cost (in 1 single blend file). They are in 3 separate layers, 1, 2, and 3.The bonus floors do not have any scratch, dirt or smudge textures applied.
Please check my profile for more such 3d models.