For the price it was a good fit for my project.
The consistent theme and unique design of each element, creates atmospheric and stunning results. There are a variety of tracks and structures to allow you to create seamless mines.
Models- 10 Track Models
Textures (2048*1024)DiffuseNormal SpecularMetalicAmbient OcclusionDisplacement RoughnessCurvature
Vert/Poly CountMine Cart - 206/328Shaft Support - 42/48Track 1 - 137/181Track 2 - 223/311Track 3 - 258/354Track 4 - 78/104Track 5 - 682/987Track 6 - 502/712Track End - 233/326Stopper - 113/165
Formats- .blend- .obj- .b3d- .fbx- .3ds- .x- .ms3d