2020-06-17 12:35:21 UTChannap
*Please Like !! It takes over 1000 klicks to make an average 3D Model but just One Ckick to encourage Us. *
All Revit Modeling , This Stylish faucet is designed by Kohler. No maps nor textures .ONLY Materials, so you don't have to reaply or adjust materials.
Inserted into 3ds max as seperate companents and NOT as one block, to give the posibility to remodel some of the elements if needed.Materials: Chromed steel or and or Brushed Aluminum ( Both Autodesk Mats) . you have the possiblity to add a new materials if you'd like.Animation: 3D Rotation Redered amination of the sink in chromed steel material.
This sink can be used for Medical Installations and Kitchens