Great Model and works well in the project I am currently doing for visual effects
Steel Pedestrian Bridge
Two Column Consruction
Open Top Construction
Straigth Beam Type
Straight Column Type
Named Objects
Largest Column Span : 30 mt.
Distance Between Two Columns : 30 mt.
Platform Asphalt Height : 6 mt.
Platform Width : 3 mt.
Column Raft Concrete : width 2,5 mt * length 6 mt. * height 1 mt.
Stairs Raft Concrete : width 1 mt * length 2,5 mt. * height 1 mt.
Stairs Straight Type
Stair Step Width : 1,8 mt.
Step Sizes : 300 mm. * 150 mm.
Flat Railing Construction
Railings Box Profile
Platform And Columns With Bolted Connection
Walking Surface : 2 cm. Rubber Flooring
Prepared With BLENDER Version 2.93.5
Polygons : 73589
Vertices : 135848
Objects : 2715