This is a Highly detailed realistic 3d model house with full textures ,unique topology and designed louvers for its facade in order to create an inclusive model for having interior and exterior scenes that is ready for realistic render by any engine
The Model is created by Revit 2019 and rendered by Lumion 10.1
This residential house is almost a replica of the living screen house designed by CplusC Architectural Workshop
The file doesn’t have any protection you can exchange any thing and add objects to it or even change the material
All files except the presentation board are in .rar format please use the winrar app to unrar them
the downloaded files are :
1) revit.rar file extract it to get the revit file which contains :
4)High Resolution Renderings.rar
5)Final presentation board.pdf
You can export the file to any Format you wish or easily link the model by plugins to any rendering engine
Don’t miss the chance if you wish to
Just download the file and start !