Architectural model of the Saint Cross Church in the village of Gradišče near Vipava in Littoral Slovenia, Europe. /Slo: Arhitekturna maketa cerkve svetega Križa na Gradišču pri Vipavi na Primorskem Featuring exterior and interior
Brief historical text: The church was first mentioned in archives in the year 1371. Primarially we talk about gothic architecture in this era. The building was again renovated in the barocco era in the year 1706, adding a belltower in the year 1770 (aquileian type belltower) to the western facade. The church was in the following years preserved well by its villagers. The cemetary around the church was relocated in the year 1895. Around the year 1940 when the Italian- fascist invasion of the Littoral region was in effect, Italian soliders damaged parts of the belltower (bifora) to steal bells for weaponry. Short after the Italian defeat, the church was saved and renovated. Further renovations took place in the years 1951, 1973, 2015.
Interpretation: Today, two of the original bells are lost. The first original bell is on display in the church yard, the second bell is in the bellfry. The church stands on a hill in the middle of the village amids the sunny Vipava valley (municipality of Vipava). It is part of the Saint Stephan Bishopy of Vipava. The church complex is devided into the belltower(with narthex), nave, sanctuary, sacristy(treasury). Elevation: about 200 meters a.s.e., Age of known structure: above 649 years
Model was created in Blender 2.8 in 8 months from 2019 to 2020 for an architecture school project. Measurements are to the centimeter accurate. (Measurements taken by hand rulers and laser) The local terrain was included to about 3 m of the object exterior. FOR USE: in educational means, renovation means, archivation means /Slo: Če želite maketo zastonj me kontaktirajte na mejl:
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