Statues model pack, including the following statues: Lion, Horse, Lion Head, Angel, Fountain, Cups and Human statues.
10 models in total!
Each statue has only one material. There are 26 textures in total, including Albedo, Normal and Metallic maps in 4K size.
Technical details:
Number of models: 10
Number of materials: 10
Number of textures: 26
Texture sizes: up to 4K
Texture formats: PNG and TGA
Unity Pack!
Horse: 9808
Lion: 9814
Lion head: 1953
Leopold: 8612
Angel: 4730
Nepomucky: 9050
Fountain: 8716
Note: The background scene shown in the images is not included in this pack, only the statues!
If you have any model related questions, please feel free to contact us, our team is happy to help!