model consists of 3 materials - this is sarcophagus,pharaoh,sword in texture archives 3 folders for sarcophagus,pharaoh,sword
SM-Pharaoh-Sword - 1138 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Base - 1477 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Emblem - 749 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Max - 8162 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Open - 942 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Stove-1 - 535 polygon
SM-Sarcophagus-Stove-2 - 6471 polygon
SM-Statue-Pharaoh - 5936 polyogon
model content:
Archive - Sarcophagus-fbx.rar - suitable for ue4 and unity
Archive - Sarcophagus-ue4-texture(Png-4k-8bit) : Color, Color-2, Emissive, Emissive-2, Emissive-3, Roughness, Metall, Normal - Example of naming: (T-Sarcophagus-Emissive-2)
Archive - Sarcophagus-unity-texture(Tga-4k-8bit) : Albedo, Albedo-2, Emissive, Emissive-2, Emissive-3, Normal, SpecularSmoothness - Example of naming: (T-Sarcophagus-Albedo)
Archive - Sarcophagus-All-texture(Png-4k-8bit) : Color, Color-2, Diffuse, Diffuse-2, Emissive, Emissive-2, Emissive-3, Roughness, Glossiness, Metall, Specular, Normal, - Example of naming: (T-Sarcophagus-Roughness)
Archive - Sarcophagus-obj.rar