NAME: Roman house
FOOTPRINT: 47.5m deep x 39.25m wide
This Villa features 2 floors with magnificent indoor garden surrounded by the beautiful Livia's Garden Roman Fresco. The Main hall is flanked by two front rooms, each with access to the stairs to the 2nd floor balcony and 2 upstairs rooms. Through a beautifully appointed central hall is the garden, surrounded by 5 rooms, 4 of which have doors, the 5th for more public entertaining of guests. A beautiful living arrangement for nobles who love to entertain!
While great attention to detail and research into history was done, it is not always possible to make something completely exact to reality here in SL. Prims and physical dimensions will always impact things built here in SL.
The Ludus Spartacus, for example, in the Starz show Spartacus, the ludus is MUCH bigger and grander than what I could realistically provide for a sim here in SL. I needed to curtail how many rooms and how vast it was so that it was playable here in world.