2021-12-08 09:05:02 UTCbobblunderton
Would like to know a few things here, as these are some seriously fine buildings here!
Do they:
Have LOD/low detail or collision meshes?
Are they separated (one scene / file per building/house)?
Are the textures huge 4k or higher with each house needing unique textures, or do they all share the same textures?
Do you have full knowledge of how draw calls and rendering engines work, enough that you made sure to (directly duplicate and) sew together any appropriate UV faces so the CPU does not lag the render?
Duplicated faces generally batch-render for no performance hit vs rendering them all in sequence. Sewing as many UV faces as you can will reduce draw calls (new draw call for every time a texture changes or it hits split or otherwise non-congruent UV faces) and this lets the CPU keep from making the video card wait as often.
I do not know how many houses are in this pack, as it does not say anywhere.
I do not know the size of the pack, it does not say anywhere.
The fields for model types are left blank, leaving me to think this is only for Unreal (or is it Unity?) game-engine use, narrowing the potential market segment for this unnecessarily.
Still, these are very very top-notch homes. If they ever come down a little in price again, I just might be able to swing the purchase of a pack or two for Los Injurus city that I'm making as a mod to BeamNG Drive driving simulator.
Keep up the great work, and no rush on the response - it's a 'whenever' type of deal here.