This collection includes 70 models of modern hangings. You will find here roller shutters, blinds and curtains.Scenes are not included.Formats:
3dssimple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
dxfsimple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
fbxsimple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
mxsobject prepared for Maxwell Studio Renderer v.1.7 (IMPORTANT: may be NOT fully compatible with newer versions)
objsimple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
Fryrender *.maxwith textures and shaders
Maxwell *.maxwith textures and shaders (IMPORTANT: Maxwell 1.5 and 1.7 may be NOT fully compatible with newer versions)
Mental Ray *.maxwith textures and shaders
Scanline *.maxwith textures and shaders
V-Ray *.maxwith textures and shaders
*.maxobject prepared for 3ds max 2008 or higher