Not 100% sure as this model wasn't intended to be 3D printed and don't have much experience in that field.
The iconic Jurassic Park electric fence, useable for games, blender scenes and projects. Created in blender.
The file size: 46MB
Object count: 230 Total
The fence connects on both sides and is ready to be extended.
Perfect for Jurassic fan projects! Any future suggestion please comment below and we will try add them.
Don't be afraid to contact us if you have any requests or problems with our product.
Don't forget to leave a review to show me how I can improve or what I did well! Thanks for looking! Please check out some of our future content, Thanks.
Please note - This version is slightly outdated and a newer version with a different style is on my page. I recommend taking a look unless you would rather this style.Hope you enjoy the product!