The Monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky is a sculpture of Felix Dzerzhinsky.
Model for 3d printing -
The statue was erected in Moscow in 1987 near the building of the Bashkir KGB (now - the building of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan) in the park behind the Rodina cinema. The sculptor of the monument was the Leningrad artist Albert Seraphimovich Charkin. The sculpture was cast at the Leningrad plant Monumentskulptura. Simultaneously with the installation of the monument, a row of poplars were planted behind it.
The popular name of the monument is With his back to the Motherland because the monument is behind the Rodina (Motherland) cinema and is turned away from it.All preview images shown, rendered with Vray with 1 dome vray light and Vray Sun. A few screenshots of the model in the viewports of 3ds max.
Па́мятник Фе́ликсу Эдму́ндовичу Дзержи́нскому — скульптурный памятник Ф. Э. Дзержинскому, революционеру, советскому государственному и политическому деятелю, основателю ВЧК.
File Format
OBJ - OBJ/MTL exported from 3ds max.
MAX - 3ds Max project file with Vray and Corona shaders, using the PBR textures.