Blender version v2.80.45
The objects for subdivision ready.
They can be deformed easy for example with bend modifier or lattice because mesh contains quad polygons.
The same look of the object with different types of profile: 1) Flat profile 2) Extrusion inner 3) Extrusion Outer
The objects are UVmaps without overlapping
There are two blend files. One file (decorative 1 with modifiers.blend) doesn't contain UVmapping but contains such modifiers as: mirror, bevel, subsurf for changing the objects easily for your preference for example bevels which are by default with 1 segment and you can add more or delete bevel at all.
Another blender file (decorative 1 UVmaps.blend) without mirror, bevel, subsurf modifiers but with ready UVmaps. The same in obj and fbx files which are exported from second blend file.