This is a Realflow scene (animation) of a spectacular rain droplet-style sheet of flowing water from a concave shaped stainless steel blade. The flow of water is medium in height and bounces into small foam and spray droplets at the low point of impact.
This scene has been prepared to incorporate into an Autodesk MAX or Maya scene or architecture render, or into Cinema4D or Lightwave. Its purpose is to allow an architect or an advertising studio to drop the running water fountain, complete with textures, materials and running water into their own work via the Realflow Connect plugin. The virtue of the Realflow scene is that any user can make several kinds of adjustments to the flowing water and foam spray to best suit their purposes. The height, speed and timing of this waterfall can be adjusted as you wish.
Please Note - you must have the Realflow program or one of the Realflow Connect plugins to use this scene file set!
Alternatively, the scene can be executed and rendered as an animation or as a still image with background objects and other scene elements directly with the Realflow application, using the built-in Maxwell Render application.
You can export out the fountain as a fully textured and UV mapped mesh model (*.obj file format), as a stand-alone Alembic Animation or as a stand-alone Arnold scene file. The flowing water and the foam, at any point in time also can be exported out as a stand-alone mesh. A set of Maxwell Render materials (PBR) is included along with a set of conventional diffuse maps for the stainless blade.
The Realflow application by Next Limit is a computer program that makes extremely high quality, photorealistic water fountains, pools, waterfalls, running streams, and a host of other kinds of moving liquids. If you are an architect or architecture renderer, you can embed this scene in your arch viz walkthrough, or your scientific illustration. If you are an advertising agency, you can build an entire video clip that becomes part of your advert. For some cases, Realflow has sufficient tools to create the entire production clip, or a very high quality still image for your production.
If your arch viz, or advert or illustration requires a 3D mesh model, instead of an animation, you can use Realflow to tailor the water object to suit your exact specification. For example, if your render or product shot requires a shorter waterfall or a higher fountain than one available in this store, you can use Realflow to shorten the waterfall or create that taller, more vibrant fountain spray.
You must have the Realflow program to execute this program, or to incorporate the fountain and flowing water animation into Autodesk MAX, MAYA, Cinema4D or Lightwave.