Nice, clean topology text models as shown in attached pictures. I rebuilt text without using any modifier in Blender as well as plugins and immitated Chinese caligraphy so they look a little bit different with Chinese scripts in standard form. Text models are seperated into many parts so they are easy for users to modify as well as making all type of animation without facing any problem.
Ready to use for making animation for education, teaching Chinese languague tutorial, household decorative items or for game assets. Images were rendered with Eevee. Render quality as shown in pictures.
Make sure quad only, no vertice with more than 5 edges in model, UV pack, no problem with UV as per CG trader standard, other parameters were verified by Kodama. I also attached verification from Kodama in attached images.
苦短 = hard and short. Model 苦 in the file has name ku, model 短 in the file has name duan. I use Chinese Pinyin to name the files. Total vertices for 苦: 1,776, total vertices for 短: 2,316. Dimension are kinda big in comparision with dimension in real life but should be good in case of rescalling.
Avaiable formats: fbx, glb, obj, stl. Images textures in zip files. For anyone who uses Blender, I already set up world with blue sky, white clouds, sunlight in Blender file has name scene, so it is very convenient to render more images.
Any question about working process to build models, any idea to improve model quality, please let me know.