This is 9 Game Ready Columns with a high quality ( 6 Clean Column / 3 Broken Columns ) .Created using 3ds Max and Zbrush .Textured using Substance Painter
All the Models Created using High poly Baked into Low Poly / PBR Textures
Real World Scales
All the Models with 4 Formats 'Fbx - Obj - 3ds - Max
All the Models with Textures 1024 x 1024 'PNG/TGA '
Base Color / Normal Map / Ambiant Occlusion / Roughness
The Models Polycount Between 100 and 1500 Polys
You can import it to Unreal Engine 4 and Unity 5 or any other Game Engine
The 6 Clean Column are made with quads and the 3 Broken column with Tris (bcs they are Organic rocks )
i uploaded some textures preview to help you to see the Unwraping and the Textures and the Other columns textures made with the same way
Thank you and Have Fun