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127 Ornament 3D models and IMM Brushes + Alpha (4k-16 bit)_Vol 01
This Product includes 127 Ornament Brushes for Zbrush and 3d models(max,obj,fbx,dwg) for use any 3d software (3dmax,maya,blender,C4D, ... )
** about this Product : **
Alpha (4k Resolution ) (png,jpg)
Zbrush Brush (ZBP)- IMM Brushes
3D model (max,obj,fbx,dwg)
JPG and PDF Catalog
*Note : *
there is 2 files for every file_ turbo smooth on and off you can edit the ornaments in turbo smooth off.
To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use ZBrush 2021 and above
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