Railing: Stainless Cable
2 options: with round and square frame and railing.The height of the fence: approximately 1000-1100 mm.
The cable was made using renderable spline + displacement map, displacement settings can be changed in the CoronaDisplacement modifier in Corona or individually for your scene in Vray.
Who works in the V-Ray version lower than 3.1, be careful, in the materials in the BRDF section there is a Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable to you. For Corona render, it is recommended to put a version not lower than 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is adjusted to fit PBR.
Corona, Vray, Max 2015 + FBX Corona, FBX Vray.Materials in the FBX may not always be correct.