NightCity model pack - over 140 models!
1.5GB download!
All prefabs have up to 4 lod stages for faster rendering.PBR content! All models have following maps: color, normal and metallic with roughness in alpha channel.There are 25 modular building parts like floors, building sides, building tops and building base so you can construct your own buildings.There are 15 background rooms boxes with texture on it to imitate deep rooms behind facades.To make building is very simple: place building bas, add as many floors as you like, behind floors place room boxes and use side walls to make building side.The rest of the models are props to populate city. There are balconies, advertising panels, 28 neon signs, 40 street props, 4 sky scrapers.
This pack fits perfectly with our city pack series:
-Advertising panels 1, 2 and 3.
-Neon Signs
Ornament stairs
-Ornament balconies
-Street props
With this additional packs you can make really huge cities without limitations.