great texture work!
Game ready models. Market Stalls Pack fully textured, sculpted and rendered with Physical based rendering (PBR) - Shown images have been rendered in Marmoset Toolbag .The models contains lods, detailed information on the images.The model consists of two UV Maps :Tent(4096x4096).The set contains 5 tents and a table, each tent has 14 color options..
Textures 4096x4096 (tga) (14 color variations)
Polycount (Large Tent)
Polycount (Cylindrical Tent)
Polycount (Market Stalls Tent 1)
Polycount (Market Stalls Tent 2)
Polycount (Market Stalls Tent 3)
File formats: -Fbx(Binary) 2019 -Fbx(ASCII) 2019 -Maya 2019