BG Buildings are to help fill out ArchViz/VFX/Game scenes with photo-realistic background props quickly and easily. The main goal was to have light-weight assets render-ready for quick drag-and-drop placement.
Each asset is captured from the actual building that was photographed and modeled using the actual image. The photo was taken with as little direct light as possible, and the textures cleaned to allow for relighting as needed. The models are low-poly, with just enough geometry to keep the structural detail.
Textures have been channel-packed, using Metal (red), Roughness (green), and Bump (blue) to keep the texture size as minimal as possible. Bump Maps were chosen over Normal Maps to keep size down, and the detail not needed for background assets. The Bump Map strength was kept high to allow for whatever strength is needed for the shot, and can be decreased in the DCC as needed.
Windows use a glass material for true environment reflections, with textured interior cards behind the windows for proper parallax.
The assets were authored using Blender, and are optimized for the Asset Browser. Both 2k and 1k versions are included. Material Cheatsheets are included with every asset to aid in applying materials in other DCC's.
All files are contained in the .zip, with an organized file structure for each asset.
Alta Arts