This model was made in blender 4.0 ,it comes with 8k textures for the body and 4k for the rest (all are in jpg), 2 uvs/materials for body and head , 4 skin variants counting the one in the preview ,a moss texture with no alpha , that you can mix with all the variants , and a blend file with the textures applied and a multires modifier(it doesnt come with the rig) .
It comes with 43 Animations (all animations are loopeable , and are in root), you can check the animations in the video above-Walk Front,Right,Left,Backwards (4 Anims)-Stand Start-4 Idle Anims-2 Atack Anims-3 Roar Anims-Tail Atack Left & Right ( 2 Anims)-Hit Anim-3 Death Anims-Stand End/ Lay Start-2 Laying Idle Anims-Laying Atack-Swim Front,Right,Left,Up,Down (5 Anims)-2 Swim Animations-Swim Atack-Swim Idle-Swim Sprint-Swim Hit-JumpOutOfWater-SwimDeath-Spin Left,Right ( 2 Anims)
Comes with fbx,obj,mtl and stl formats ,it also has 1 substance painter file where you can create more variants or recolors too , is recomendable to have a good pc or just open the ssp file and choose efficency mode in the task maneger for substance painter , if you have problems with that send me a msg so i see what i can do
This model has already been tested it in Unreal Engine and unity and the animations work fine ,with that said if you have compatibility issues when importing animations to other softwares apart of those leave it at the comments so i can fix it
(theres a fbx for unreal is just an scaled version of the mesh only compatible with unreal)
I probably add some extra things to this model ,more info coming soon ,hope you like it :D