The Lying Skeleton Alpaca Model 1 is a unique and highly detailed 3D model of an alpaca in a relaxed, lying position with a fully exposed skeletal structure. This model offers a fascinating look at the anatomy of this domesticated animal, showcasing its bones, joints, and skeletal features while maintaining the distinct form and proportions of an alpaca. Ideal for educational projects, anatomy studies, and creative art, it offers an excellent resource for understanding both the skeletal structure and the overall shape of an alpaca. The model is available in FBX, OBJ, STL, GLB, USDZ, and BLEND formats, ensuring smooth integration into any 3D software or project.
lying skeleton alpaca, 3D animal model, alpaca anatomy, skeletal model, educational 3D asset, animal bones, 3D anatomy model, alpaca bones, skeletal structure, relaxed animal pose, 3D skeleton art, realistic 3D model, high-poly alpaca, skeletal creature, 3D anatomy art
liegendes Skelett-Alpaka, 3D-Tiermodell, Alpaka-Anatomie, Skelettmodell, 3D-Asset für Bildung, Tierknochen, 3D-Anatomiemodell, Alpaka-Knochen, Skelettstruktur, entspannte Tierpose, 3D-Skelettkunst, realistisches 3D-Modell, hochauflösendes Alpaka, skelettiertes Wesen, 3D-Anatomiekunst
leżące szkielety alpaki, model zwierzęcia 3D, anatomia alpaki, model szkieletu, zasób edukacyjny 3D, kości zwierzęcia, model anatomii 3D, kości alpaki, struktura szkieletu, zrelaksowana postawa zwierzęcia, sztuka szkieletu 3D, realistyczny model 3D, wysokopoligonowa alpaka, szkieletowe stworzenie, sztuka anatomii 3D
هيكل عظمي مستلقي للالماموث، نموذج للحياة البرية، هيكل عظمي للألباكا، نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد حيواني، دراسة تشريحية للحيوانات، عظام الحيوان، فن الهيكل العظمي ثلاثي الأبعاد، طابع التشريح لحيوان حيوان متنقل