Cursed death jellyfish monster

Cursed death jellyfish monster Low-poly 3D model


Ladies and Gentlemen .Today I give you my new product of the coral creature Cursed Death Jelly Fish , It's a blak jelly fish with a tail like a hand with 3 claws , one of them empty but the other contains a strange creepy heads in their bodies , each body contains head .I know .. I know .. I know , just don't say any thing , you are wondering how did they get those strange creepy heads in their bodies , then you must read their story .Once upon a time there was a village near the sea , all the people of this village was working by fishes , the fisher men who fish the fishes and the traders who sell it in places far of the sea , and the cookers who cook fish in many different ways .There was a poor girl who was sleeping in the streets and beg for her feeding , because she was poor homless girl , this girl used to sleep near the beach and wait for the fisher men to give her some fish to eat or to sell to buy her food , there was a young fisher man who used to fish every day and he was watching her and some times he give her fishes , but one day he talked to her and declared his love to her then she was scared because she is just a homless poor girl that no one would like to love the like of her .But he said that he isn't this kind of people and he would be happy if he married her but first he needs to save enough money and build his own house and marry her to live with him in his house , so she agreed and became very happy that some one falled in her love .She even started to help him and repair his fishing net and watch his boat at night while they kept their love secret , she even refused to have fishes from him to eat to let him sell them and gain more money to be able to build his house quickly , the fisherman worked hard to fulfil his goal and build the house as he wished , then he became one of the top fisher men in the village , then the girls of the village put their eyes on him until one day a daughter of a very rich man from the nobles of the village was buying fishes from him every day started to be friend with him until one day she falled in his love and told this to her father , then her father asked him to marry his daughter and he will build them a great house and give them so much money as a gift for their wedding .The young fisher man feeled so greedy and agreed , so one day he married the daughter of the noble man and leaved the poor girl he promised to marry her behind , with her broken heart she stayed near the beach as she used to and cried , and cried , and cried , she wasn't only feeling sad because he abandoned her but also she was mad at the life that leaved her like a toy to some one like him to play with her feelings , and at the rich people that can do what they pleased with their moneys , so she started to die of illness and sadness but without any one beside her she said while dying my last wish is to curse this village and revenge from all of the people of it .The people were living by the fishes so she died and haunted the shores where they used to work , and when they started to go to the water a formadble jelly fishes attacked and jilled them and the first victim was her lover who betrayed her , the jelly fishes were killing the fisher men and swallow their heads and turn them into those creepy skulls you saw , and the people could not stop this curse nor fish for living so some died trying and the other starved to deth and some few people leaved the village that turned into cursed shore until this days .

creative-universe2022-09-12 11:25:10 UTC
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Cursed death jellyfish monster
Royalty Free License 
Cursed death jellyfish monster
Royalty Free License 
Response 83% in 7.3h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (6 files)2.89 MB
  • iClone (.iprop, .iAcc, .iCloth, .iAvatar, .iEffect) (6 files)3.68 MBVersion: 6.5Version: 6.5Version: 6.5Version: 6.5Version: 6.5Version: 6.5

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-12-12
  • Model ID#1846411
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged approved
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing