Information: This model emulates the pachyconic ammonoid shell of Somoholites. This Devonian genus is characterized by a small conch with depressed whorls and broadly rounded venter and very marked umbilical shoulders. Ammonoids are a diverse group of extinct cephalopods bearing an external shell similar to Nautilus but closely related to modern coleoids, a group that includes cuttlefishes, octopuses, squids, among others (Hoffmann et al., 2022) . These organisms inhabited the ancient oceans from the Early Devonian to the earliest Palaeogene period, reaching an interval of approximately 350 million years across the Phanerozoic (Landman et al., 2015; Lehmann, 2015). Fossils of this external conch represent one of the most common findings in marine assemblages, showing a highly diverse and abundant record around the world (Saunders & Swan, 1984; Saunders et al., 2004; Korn & Klug, 2012; Morón-Alfonso et al., 2023, figs. 3-4). Because the ammonoid conch grew along with the animal soft-body, this structure frequently records valuable information including morphological modifications that occurred during ontogeny useful to study the paleobiology and paleoecology of this group (Kullmann & Scheuch, 1970; Kant, 1973; Korn, 2012; Erlich et al., 2016). By making a purchase, you are helping to fund future research on these fascinating creatures. If you're interested in exploring more fossil models, feel free to check out my profile for other options.References:Erlich, A., Moulton, D. E., Goriely, A., & Chirat, R., 2016, Morphomechanics and developmental constraints in the evolution of ammonites shell form: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, v. 326, p. 437-450.Hoffmann, R., Howarth, M., Fuchs, D., Klug, C., & Korn, D., 2022, The higher taxonomic nomenclature of Devonian to Cretaceous ammonoids and Jurassic to Cretaceous ammonites including their authorship and publication: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, v. 305, p. 187-197.Kant, R., 1973, Allometrisches Wachstum paläozoischer Ammonoideen: Variabilität und Korrelation einiger Merkmale: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, v. 143, p. 153-192.Klug, C., Korn, D., Landman, N. H., Tanabe, K., De Baets, K., & Naglik, C., 2015, Describing Ammonoid Conchs, in Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I., & Mapes, R. H., eds., Ammonoid Paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology. Topics in Geobiology, vol 43, Volume Topics in Geobiology, vol 43: Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, p. 3-24.Korn, D., 2012, Quantification of ontogenetic allometry in ammonoids, v. 14, p. 501-514.Korn, D., & Klug, C., 2012, Palaeozoic ammonoids – diversity and development of conch morphology, in Talent, J. A., ed., Earth and Life: Global Biodiversity, Extinction Intervals and Biogeographic Perturbations Through Time, Volume 1: Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, p. 491-534.Kullmann, J., & Scheuch, J., 1970, Wachstums-änderungen in der onto-genese paläozoischer ammonoideen: Lethaia, v. 3, no. 4, p. 397-412.Landman, N. H., Goolaerts, S., Jagt, J. W. M., Jagt-Yazykova, E. A., & Machalski, M., 2015, Ammonites on the Brink of Extinction: Diversity, Abundance, and Ecology of the Order Ammonoidea at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) Boundary, in Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I., & Mapes, R. H., eds., Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography: Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, p. 497-553.Lehmann, J., 2015, Ammonite Biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous—An Overview, in Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I., & Mapes, R. H., eds., Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography. Topics in Geobiology, vol 43: Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, p. 403-429.Morón-Alfonso, D., Cichowolski, M., Hoffmann, R., Korn, D., Vennari, V., & Allaire, N., 2023, The intriguing shapes of the ammonoid whorl: Palaeontologia Electronica, v. 26, p. 1-23.Saunders, W. B., & Swan, A. R. H., 1984, Morphology and Morphologic Diversity of Mid-Carboniferous (Namurian) Ammonoids in Time and Space: Paleobiology, v. 10, p. 195-128.Saunders, W. B., Work, D. M., & Svetlana, V. N., 2004, The Evolutionary History of Shell Geometry in Paleozoic Ammonoids: Paleobiology, v. 30, p. 19-43.