Skunk character for games and animations. The model is game ready and compatible with game engines.
Supports Humanoid Animation:
Unity Humanoid compatible .
Mixamo and other humanoid animation libraries (MoCap).
Removable Tail, which can be used as a static tail in case MoCap is used. Tail can also be animated using the included rig after animation from motion capture is applied.
Full Facial and Body Rig for further animation.
The model is low poly with four texture resolutions 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024 & 512x512. Lighting is baked in the texture and should be used with a flat shader (Only ambience and no diffuse).
The package includes 18 Animations which are as follows:
The model is fully rigged, which means that it contains the bones, controls and additional channel box attributes so that the model can be easily animated in case further animating or modification is required.
The model is game ready at:
The model uses IK and FK solvers for a better and easier animating. The model is completely rigged and can be easily modified through extra attributes like finger curl etc in the channel box in Maya. It means that you can conveniently animate hand gestures and expressions of the face. The curves used for the controls are shaped in a user-friendly form, making it easier to relate the control to the function it performs.
The model is UV mapped with non-overlapping UV's. The shadows and lights are baked in the texture, although you can add more lights and shadows for rendering and use it as you please.