Reallistic Animated Rabbit A high-quality 3D fantasy deer model with 3 skins, a large set of animations and a detailed skeleton (just watch the video preview!). The model is already configured for Unity and Unreal Engine. Are you making a hunting game or an rpg for mobile devices, this model will definitely come in handy for you! This model is also ideal for any renderers, use in any 3D applications.
Unity URP - volume shader fur included, check second video preview!
Skin, Eye, Eyeglass - PBR
Skins: White, Black, Brown
For the eyes its own material is used so you can adjust the color of the eye.
Lod0 - 4626 vertsLod1 -2488 verts
The main source is .blend, it has controllers configured to create animations but if you need any help in creating additional animations please contact us.