The look of this stylized rodent's skull can be adjusted depending on which textures you use and there is an optional substance included to customize these further. It comes with 4 LODs which should make it useful for any type of game.
Triangle counts (for Skull/Jaw combined):
LOD0 - 4132
LOD1 - 1730
LOD2 - 928
LOD3 - 482
Each LOD mesh has non-overlapping unique UVs.
Texture sizes are 2048px for LOD0 to LOD2 and 1024px for LOD3.
Texture types include Ambient Occlusion, Curvature, Thickness, Tangent and World Space Normalmaps baked for each LOD from a high poly mesh.
Included is a rar of a Unity 2019 Project assets folder with a Prefab set up with the 4 LODs. Materials are set up with Standard shader, Albedo/Smoothness and a normalmap with added details, exported from a Substance which is also included for you to customize further if needed.