This asset has realistic PIG FAMILY model.Pig and Piggy models has 4 LODs:
The modesl has 4 sets of textures with a different degree of pig soiling (albedo, metallic/roughness, normal maps - 4096x4096 and 2048x2048).
51 animations IP/RM:attack 1-4, walk (f-b-l-r), trot (f-l-r) run (f-l-r), swim (f-l-r-b), turn (l-r), turn 180 (l-r), eat, drink, lie, sleep, die 1-2, , hit (f-b-m)), fall (start , high, low, land), idle 1-5, jump 1-3, etc
If you are importing into a 3DMax, in the import settings, specify which animation you want to import.
If you are importing into a Maya, read the documentation on how to import correctly.
If you are importing into a Cinema4D, select the “animation” layer in the upper right and a list of all animations will appear in the lower left.
!! Each animation is in its own timeline !!