superb model!
This asset has Jaguar model.
Model has 4 LOD.
Diffuse, normal and metallic / roughness maps (all maps 2048x2048).
The model has 2 types of color.
76 animations (IP/RM)
Attack(1-3), walk (F,FL,FR,B,BL,BR), Run (F,FL,FR), Run_Jump, Trot (F,FL,FR), Swim (F,FL,FR,B,BL,BR), Swim_Idle, Swim_turn(Left/Right), Jump_In_Place, Jump_F, Jump (start/landing), Jump_Loop (up, horisontal, down),Hit (F,M,B) , Lie (Start/end), Lie_Idle 1-3, Sleep (start, idle, end), Idle 1-3, death, eat, turn (left/right) etc.