3ds max version : The model made with 3ds max 2014 and the Hair effect made with the 3ds max plugin called Hair Farm Pro v2.6.1 .
The Hair Farm Pro v2.6.1 plugin files which I already put into the zip file.It can be uesd for 3ds max 2013-2017.
As long as you copy and put the plugin files into your 3ds max folder,the hair effect can be worked.
Three textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.
Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.
Blender version : The blender version used curves and hair geometry node to creat hair in 3.6.0 version(no plugin needed).
Textures:2 different colors textures and 1 normal texture,all textures size are:4096*4096.
2- 5 animation files:
eat: 217 frames
idle01: 120 frames
idle02: 55 frames
run001(loop): 17 frames
walk001(loop): 48 frames
3- Three formats: (1) 3ds max 2014 (2) Blender 3.6.0 (3)FBX(no hair effect)