This pack of LOWPOLY KITTENS is perfect for your stylized game.
The pack contains 18 kittens breeds with 78 (!!) animations. Optimized models allow you to use them for games on PC and mobile devices.
The models has 2600 - 2900 tris and 36 bones. Texture map - only one albedo 1k.
78 animations (IP/RM):Agression, attack 1-5, caress idle(sit, lie), hit front, hit back, hit middle, death 1-2, idle 1-3, eatdrink, lie, sleep, fall, crouch (f-b-l-r), walk (f-b-l-r), trot (f-l-r), run (f-l-r), swim (f-b-l-r), hide, hide rotate (l-r), jump forward, jump_up, jump run, jump place, etc.
IMPORTANT!!! If you are importing into a 3DMax, in the import settings, specify which animation you want to import.If you are importing into a Maya, read the documentation on how to import correctly. If you are importing into a Cinema4D, select the “animation” layer in the upper right and a list of all animations will appear in the lower left. !! Each animation is in its own timeline !!