Lion for game , zbrush and blender were used to do it with rig
Introduction This is a high quality Lion model, including several 2K maps, rigging, and skins. The body maps, which are in UDIM format, and the skin maps are made separately to obtain a more realistic effect. This model is made with Blender at full scale and rendered by the Cycles renderer. It consists of 5 objects: body, eyes, teeth, tongue, nail.
vertices and faces Body: vertices 35,586 faces 35,584 eyes: vertices 7,942 faces 8,142 Teeth: vertices 258 faces 262 Language: vertices 8,066 faces 8,190 nail: vertices 145,188 faces 147,456 Total: vertices 454,894 faces 461,500
Formats There is a Blender project and an OBJ file.
Textures, bump,displacement leao-TM.jpg leao-DM.tif leao-VD.exr lion's bottom tooth-TM.jpg top tooth leao-TM.jpg language leao-TM.jpg eye-TM_copy005.jpg NORMAL MAP.tif front nail leao-TM.jpg back nail leao-TM.jpg
Notice before purchase Please note that this template is made with Blender and only fully supports Blender. If your workflow includes other 3D software such as Maya, 3DsMax, C4D, and so on, the model with its skin, rigging, and animations may not be fully transferred to these software. You can still try to export the animations using any other method, including baking and more, at your own risk. We do not offer any technical support when exporting to other countries.