This pack includes an animated Horses(Stallions) ready to populate your game world.
Included: 11 skins for horses(2 for Unicorns) and 2 black and brown for saddle.
Included animation: Arise, Attack(2), Buck(3), Death, Eat, Sleep, Idle(4), Swim(F, L, R), Fallen, Falling, Gallop(F, L, R), Jump, Jump Land, Jump Run, Run Stop, Small Jump, Walk(F, L, R)
Include LODs for all meshes.
Technical Details:
Files: Unity(2019.4), Unreal(4.27, 5.0), FBX(7.2), Blender(2.92)(other unity or unreal version will be added on request).
Number of characters: 4 (Stallion / Skinny Stallion / Draft horse / Unicorn)
Number of skins:11-Stallion / 11-Skinny Stallion / II-Draft horse / 2-Unicorn / 2-Saddle / 1-Horseshoes
Materials: HDRP(Metallic)
Number of Materials: 43
Textures: Albedo, Normals, MADS(Metallic, AO, Details, Gloss).
Texture Resolutions: x128/x512/x2048/x4096
Number of Textures: 34
Vertex: 12367(Stallion] 12377(Skinny Stallion), 14320(Draft horse), 14980(Unicorn)
Triangles: 19120(Stallion) 19120(Skinny Stallion], 20141 (Draft horse], 21067(Unicorn]
Triangles counts of props: 7121 (Saddle], 3580(Bridle], 944(Horseshoes]
LODs: 4 Levels
UV mapping: Non-overlapping(except for hair)
Rigged: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 29