This asset has realistic SIMPLE CATS model.
The model has 50 bones, 11400 tris and 4 levels of LODs. LODs are enabled and configured.
Texture maps - albedo (alpha mask), AO / metallic / roughness, normal map (all 2048x2048).
Separate model for mobile phones with 2350 triangles.
100+ animations (IP/RM):
Attack (bite, front, left, right), hit (front, back, middle), death (left, right), combat (start, loop, end, attack 1-3, hit 1-2, death 1-2), idle 1-7, eat, drink, lie 1-2, lie belly 1-3, sleep, sleep belly, 6 stages jump (start, up, horizontal, down high, down low, land), jump (forward, run, place), crouch move (front, lefr, right, back, back left, back right), crouch (idle, turn left, turn right), walk (front, lefr, right, back, back left, back right ), trot (front, left, right), run (front, left, right ), run fast (front, left, right ) swim (front, lefr, right, back, back left, back right ), turn (left, right), turn 180 (left, right ), jump place, sitting (idle 1-3), licking, defecation, scratch ear, scratch the carpet, etc.
All animations that involve cycling are divided into: start, loop and end.
The asset includes dog accessories: collars, food bowls, balls, cat toys, cat tray, cat house, carrier, scratching post, cat beds.
The archive contains such formats as Blend (version 2.79), FBX, OBJ. To import into 3Dmax, Cinema4D and Maya programs, use the fbx format, follow the prompts on the screenshots.