Boar Javali attacker pig - animated 3d fur model

Boar Javali attacker pig - animated 3d fur model 3D model


----------------------------------------Virtual Creator and creature----------------------------------------

Nice boar pig 3d model.Ready to render with default scanline renderer and created in 3ds max 2020. Other earlier max version formats may be provided.



  • Over 1900 animation frames including walking, running, grassing, throtling, kneeling, mud rubbing and attack. (some previews do not show entire animations, and render quality in animations is not great due to render settings)
  • Good geometry based on Polygonal tri and quads.
  • Unit system set to centimeters and correctly real world scale model.
  • All objects named.
  • Layer management.
  • No post work on render previews.
  • Model is ready for mesh subdivision.
  • 1 or 2 smoothing subdivisions are advised. It can be changed.
  • Includes pig body, tongue, mouth, teeth, eyes and rig.
  • No any extra plugin needed to open this scene.
  • 3DS MAX 2017 or higher is required to render, but earlier max version formats may be provided.


boar-attack: 1837-1911 framesboar-defending: 1768-1836 frames (loopable)boar-kneel and mud rub: 1289-1767 frames (loop)boar-run: 281-668 frames (loop)boar-walk: 687-976 frames (loop) boar idle and grassing: 0-276 frames (loop) boar-throttling: 1018-1288 frames (loop)



.Max 2020, 2017.Fbx (animated).Obj (with .mtl file - not animated). .ABC (animated)



5 Large resolution textures (main color map texture is .tga) :

Color Map - porc_color_done : 8192 x 8192 pxNormal map - porc_norma : 8192 x 8192 px Displacement map - porc_displ : 4096 x 4096 px Ambient Oclusion map - porc_AO : 4096 x 4096 pxeye reflection map - refle : 1200 x 1200 px

(also big teeth maps included)



Bone skeletal system with controllers.

Spline IK solver for spine, neck and tail, and HI solver for limbs, providing smooth animation experience.

Only Obj file has no rig or animation.


Hair and fur modifier applied. No extra plugins required to render fur.

You can increase the hair count.

Non-native file ( .fbx, .obj and abc) come without fur.



*.Max, .fbx, .obj, abc:

(Total - without rig)

pig body: 2130 faces, 2043 vertices (in low res poly) Eyeball: 392 faces, 366 verticesMouth : 6882 faces, 6805 verticesJaw: 7516 faces, 7443 vertices Big top teeth: 264 faces, 264 vertices (in low res poly)Big Low teeth: 340 faces, 352 vertices (in low res poly)


Low levels of bump and normal map are recommended.

ABC, OBJ and fbx formats are in low poly, but a quick turbo or mesh smoothing modifier and it becomes high poly detailed (Model is modeled to be ready for mesh subdivision).

You should use the maps in max folder for fbx, obj and abc.

FBX, MAX and ABC files are animated, and obj is not. Only the max one contains the fur.

(Default scanline renderer needs extra mesh subdivision for displacement map)

For non-native formats: map java - jaw a should be applied to object jaw, and map java - mouth a should be applied to object mouth.

FBX file may need a simple correction when importing: put the mouth and jaw objects a bit lower.


----------------------------------------Virtual Creator and creature----------------------------------------

Rendang2022-11-17 23:45:27 UTC
Good model
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Boar Javali attacker pig - animated 3d fur model
Royalty Free License 
Boar Javali attacker pig - animated 3d fur model
Royalty Free License 
Response 91% in 10.6h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)209 MBVersion: undefinedRenderer: Default (Scanline)
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)2.12 MB
  • Alembic (.abc)93.7 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)1.28 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-11-17
  • Model ID#4117400
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Subdivision ready
  • Polygons 2,130
  • Vertices 2,043
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Non-overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing