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High Detailed Photorealistic Bear Polar, completely UVmapped and smoothable, made with Maya 2012+rigging. The scene is just a base animation(hand movement)
Warning pluigin: Shave+3DElight6
Scene is created in Maya 2012,Shave+3DElightcompatible Maya 2012 and high
for users Vray render
Users must make a new shaders to bear.This scene should then also compatible with Vray
Fur: 5 000 000.
More info in images.
Body Diffuse texture: 4096x4096Body Specular texture: 4096x4096Body Bump texture: 4096x4096
Eye color Diffuse: 1024x1024Eye specular Diffuse: 1024x1024
Fur:Complete Frizz textureComplete Density textureComplete clump textureComplete clumping super texture
Cao Asti