2023-06-15 19:32:10 UTCvegankat
Very nice model of a baby elephant. However, for some reason the information shown here is not entirely correct. The model has only 6588 faces (polygons), all quads. There are no triangular faces.
This baby elephant is rigged and animated. It can walk, idle and play dead. With this baby elephant you will get a body diffuse texture, a body normal map texture, a texture diffuse map for the right eye, with another texture diffuse for the left eye. It will include a UV map texture layouts, for repainting the body and eyes if desired. All texture maps are 2048x2048 pixels.
It was exported using blender 2.78c into FBX 7.4 binary format. The model was tested and working with Unity3d 5.6.1f1 Linux.