Low-Poly game-ready animated 3D model . Suitable for creating a game and cinematics. You can change the materials of the wings, and get more variations of the color of the monsters In the model it is desirable to use a shader with a two-sided display of polygons. Vertex : 9908 Edges: 19732
Face: 9868 Tris: 19320 The archive contains Uproject the scene for Unreal Engine 4 (4.18.3 version) Quantity: mat 6 Quantity: InstMat 6 Textures : 4096 x 4096 Quantity: 18\18 UE4: BaseColor/Emissive/Normal/OcclusionRoughnessMetallic Unity: BaseColor/Emissive/Normal/SpecularSmoothness Number of animations: 20 Agresion_Ground_1 Agresion_Ground_2 Attack_Flight Attack_Ground_1 Attack_Ground_2 Attack_Ground_3 Damage_1 Damage_2 Dead_1 Dead_2 Flight_Back Flight_Front Flight_Left Flight_Right Idle_1 Idle_2 Idle_Ground_1 Idle_Ground_2 Takeoff Walck_Ground