Contains two animated versions: insects flying within a 2m squared area, and a 10m squared area. The are two diffuse textures to chose from including Fly and Bee (.png and .tga). Over 2000 frames a swarm of 20(1cm) insects fly around a central point. The 2 metre version starts with the insects flying out of a small point before expanding out and may be better suited to bees flying around a hive or flies drawn to something where as the 10 metre version is more sparse and swarm like. They are Intended for efficient use in film or visualization as a perfect background detail to bring your scene to life and add a sense of scale. Models are available as .FBX and Alembic.Note: If opening the Alembic file in Blender, untick 'is sequence' when importing or in modifier stack.
Mesh: Non looping animation.Polycount: 1440 faces
Tested and working in Blender 2.79b and 2.8, Maya 2018, 3DS max 2019 and Unity 2018.2, Cinema 4D S22