A set of high-quality Rigged and Animated models of marine animals, dolphins, whale killer, humpback whales and sharks with a 50% discount.All models passed ChekMate Pro certification.
Originally was modeled in 3ds max and used tools to create CAT system rigging .
The rigged models of marine animals are ideal for the production of films, advertisements, posters and games.
SAVE from 200 to 320 hours of work of a professional 3d artist to create such a model from the very beginning. Our model is ready for use after download!
The Animated models of marine animals model has a V-Ray material with textures of high-resolution multilayer texture. This models has a clean topology and is good at one iteration of smoothing.
===================The rigged and animated models of marine animals is easily exported to other 3D programs, such as 3D Maya, Unity, etc.
===================3ds max native CAT tool was used to create rig.To open the mouth, the morph modifier is used.
===================The following file formats are provided:3Dmax 2013 Vray3Dmax 2013 ScanLineFBX3DSOBJAlso in the archive there is simply a rigged model in the Cat system, in a pose.
===================The models is animated and has such animations :
Humpback WhaleJump - 175 keyframesSwim - 60 keyframes
Killer WhaleSwim - 41 keyframesAttack - 25 keyframes
Great White SharkSwim - 40 keyframesAttack - 260 keyframes
DolphinJump - 30 keyframesSwim - 40 keyframesSpeaks - 60 keyframes
Idle - 60 keyframesUnits used for measurement is centimeters
The model is compared with the use of multilayer textures and has:
8192x8192 Normal Map8192x8192 Diffuse8192x8192 Glossiness
8192x8192 Displace map