Manta Birostris (MantaRay)
All previews without Label were made in C4D Arnold Render. Previews that were made in Cinema 4D's Standard render have the label Standard Render on Top. Other Render Engines should have a Label as well.
This model has been modeled with a clean topology based on quads and loops.
All High Resolution Textures (4K)
Fully Rigged!
Very easy to animate.
The Rigg is Originally made in Cinema 4D(Preview Images). In Blender file, the rig was imported as FBX, so there is no controllers (to manipulate the Rig) available in Blender File(But the model is animated too).
Last Preview is to show how the model can be in a composition (Does not contains the scene)
The Model is Subdividable
Metric unit used: Centimeters
This pack includes all the following formats:
.c4d (R19/Arnold 2.2.0) .c4d (R19/Standard).blend (2.79/Cycles).fbx .obj